Laboratoire LEFMI


​​Ben Abdelhamid, M., Bellalah, M., (2023). Investigating The optimal exit timing and leverage during the Covid-19 crisis. Financial Studies (Studii Financiare), 2023, 27(1): pp. 18-38.

Ben Amar, A., Bouattour, M., Bellalah, M., & Goutte, S., (2023). Shift contagion and minimum causal intensity portfolio during the COVID-19 and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, Finance Research Letters, (HCERES B, FNEGE 3).

Bouaynaya W., Vaslin JM, (2023). Herding behaviour in peer-to-peer lending: the elaboration likelihood during the COVID-19 crisis, Journal of Decision Systems, 1-12 (HCERES C, FNEGE 4)

Boustani, N.M., 2023. The Impact of COVID-19 on Curriculum and Employability in Lebanon. Administrative Sciences, 13(5), pp.128.

Boustani, N.M., Abidib, S., (2023). ESG Investing in “White Gold”: The Case of Lebanese Salinas. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(3), pp.147.

Boustani, N.M., Chammaa, C., (2023). Youth Adoption of Innovative Digital Marketing and Cross-Cultural Disparities. Administrative Sciences, 13(6), pp.151.  

Boustani, N.M., Guiné, R.P., (2023). Food determinants and motivation factors impact on consumer behavior in Lebanon. Open Agriculture, 8(1), p.20220176.

Chouki, M., Hofaidhllaoui, M., Giraud, L. (2023). The effects of organizational commitment on knowledge Sharing : the case of digital designers, Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Vol.4/n°130. (FNEGE 2, HCERES A).

Corcos, A. (2023). How nudges and marketing, frame time preference “for your own good”: a behavioral model. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), pp.1-9.

Corcos, A., Hodara, L. (2023). How social media are collecting more of users’ data: a behavioral model of platform retention strategies. SN Business & Economics, 3(7), pp.1-17.

Erragragui, E., Peillex, J., Benlemlih, M., & Bitar, M. (2023). Stock market reactions to corporate misconduct: The moderating role of legal origin. Economic Modelling, 121, 106197 (FNEGE 2, HCERES A).

Goldman S., N. Nenovsky, S. Zhang (2023). CO2, GDP and Openness: A Vector Error Correction Model Approach for the Eurozone, Bulgarian Journal of International Economics and Politics, 2023, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 3-19.  

Hachem, H.M., (2023). The existence paradigm and the antinomy of the liar in mathematical economics. Philosophical Alternatives, XXXII (3), pp. 36-51.

Morgand, A., (2023). Le rôle des plateformes numériques de rencontres professionnelles : apports, limites et risques, revue Management et Sciences Sociales, n°34, pp. 21-38 (HCERES C, FNEGE 4)

Munthiu, M.-C. (2023). Bien-être et actions RSE dans un contexte assurantiel digitalisé, Les bonnes feuilles de l’assurance, Editions ESKA, Novembre 2023, no. 4, pp. 50-70

Nenovska, N., Nenovsky, N., Magnin, M., (2023). The energy and ecological economics of Slacho Zagorov (1898 – 1970), Economic Thought Journal, 68 (1): pp. 7 – 38

Nenovsky, N, Faudot, A, (2023). Fixed monetary regimes – debates and arguments, International Trade and Trade Policy, 9(2): pp. 72 – 84

Nenovsky, N, Faudot, A., (2023). Fixed monetary regimes – debates and arguments, International Trade and Trade, 9(1), pp. 23-35.

Nenovsky, N, Marinova, T., (2023). Some reflections inspired by Antonio Magliulo’s book, A History of European Economic Thought, Il pensiero economico italiano, 31 (1): pp. 99-108

Nenovsky, N, Marinova, T., (2023). Ten years of currency diversity in Russia (1917 – 1927): historical facts and theoretical interpretations, pregled (Historical Review), 2023, 79 (3): pp. 29-77

Nenovsky, N., (2023). A Theory of Money Without a Theory of Value. The Approach of Peter Berngardovich Struve (1870–1944), Philosophical Alternatives, 23(3): pp. 7-18

Nenovsky, N., Faudot, A., (2023). Edgard Milhaud and the case for establishing and international clearing union in 1930s. A forgotten forerunner of Keynes?, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, online, 1-22 (HCERES A)

Nenovsky, N., Faudot, A., (2023). Introduction au numéro spécial, De Versailles (1919) à Gênes (1922): un point de vue d’histoire de la pensée économiques, Revue d’histoire de la pensée économiques, 2 (16), (HCERES C)

Palloix, C., (2023), Multinational Firms’ Practices: an attempt at a marxist theorization,  in “Value, Money, Profit and Capital to-day”, Research in Political Economy, Volume 39, pp.117-143.

Richet J-L., Bouaynaya W., (2023). Understanding and Managing Complex Software Vulnerabilities: An Empirical Analysis of Open-Source Operating Systems ». Systèmes d’Information et Management, volume 28, n°1, pp. 87-115 (HCERES A, FNEGE 2)

Sun, X., Pelet, J. É., Dai, S., & Ma, Y. (2023). The Effects of Trust, Perceived Risk, Innovativeness, and Deal Proneness on Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior in the Livestreaming Social Commerce Context. Sustainability, 15(23), 16320.

Tailleur, G., (2023), Timothée Duverger, L’économie sociale et solidaire, Lectures, 2023.

Thabet, S., (2023), Les conséquences politiques de l’Union européenne et de la zone euro. Réflexions sur quelques trajectoires possibles post-Covid 19, Critique Économique, n°43, Hiver 2023, pp. 73-82.

Thabet, S., (2023). The Circuit in the History of Economic Thought. The Contribution of Ibn Khaldûn, International Journal of Political Economy, vol. 52/n°3-4, Fall-Winter 2023, pp. 328-337 (HCERES C).

Ureche-Rangau, L., Vaslin, J.M., (2023). Conversion risk on 19th century French consols and embedded options: A simple exercise, Finance Research Lettres, 58, Part B, 104375. (HCERES B, FNEGE 3).

Zhang, S., (2023). Philosophical Framework of the Economic Practice in Ancient China, Philosophical Alternatives, 23(3): pp. 19-35.


Ouvrages :


Casadella V., Uzunidis D., (Sous la direction) (2023), Agri-Innovations and Development Challenges : Engineering, Value Chains and Socio-economic Models, Wiley, Iste science Publishing, Londres

El Farissi I., Tahi S., (2023), Pratique marocaine de décisions financières de long terme, Editions Universitaires Européennes.


Chapitres d’ouvrages :


Boustani, N.M. Sayegh, M.M., (2023). The Impact of Social Commercial Platforms on Entrepreneurship in a Developing Country. In Smart Technologies for Organizations: Managing a Sustainable and Inclusive Digital Transformation (pp. 89-106). Cham: Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-031-24774-3.

Dunes, M., Munthiu M.C., (2023). La confiance envers les publicités mobiles et l’intention d’achat sur smartphone. Une fracture générationnelle ? in Approche générationnelle de la transformation digitale : vers de nouveaux modes de de management,  FSJES Editions. ISBN : 978-9920-9012-3-9

Erragragui E., (2023). Ethics, risks and sustainability: a theological perspective in T. Lagoarde (Eds), Ecological Money and Finance. Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems, Palgrave-MacMillan.

Morgand A., Sauvageot F., (2023). Hybridation et RSE in Diard C., El Arji F., F. (dir.), Télétravail et Hybridation du travail : une expérience collaborateur réinventée ? Groupe de réflexion CERCLE K2, pp.98-113,

Morgand A., Sauvageot F., (2023). Quitter l’entreprise en mode hybride – Off-boarding in Diard C., El Arji F., (dir.), Télétravail et Hybridation du travail : une expérience collaborateur réinventée ? Groupe de réflexion CERCLE K2, pp.90-97,

Nenovsky N., Marinova T., (2023). Diversity of Monetary Regimes and Reactions to the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis in the Balkan countries, in: M. Yağcı (Ed.), Central Banking in a Post-Pandemic World Challenges, Opportunities, and Dilemmas, Routledge, London, chapter 12.

Thabet S., (2023). Institutionalist economics, “Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics”, Northampton MA: USA, Cheltenham: UK, Elgar, pp. 230-231.

Thabet S., (2023). State – entrepreneurial, in “Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics”, Northampton MA: USA, Cheltenham: UK, Elgar, pp. 384-385.

Thabet S., Parguez A., (2023). Debt – public, “Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics”, Northampton MA: USA, Cheltenham: UK, Elgar, pp. 101-102.

Thabet S., Parguez A., (2023). Monetary theory of production, “Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics”, Northampton MA: USA, Cheltenham: UK, Elgar, pp. 287-288.


Ameur, H. B., Han, X., Liu, Z., Peillex, J., 2022. When did global warming start? A new baseline for carbon budgeting. Economic Modelling 116, 106005. (HCERES A, FNEGE 3)

Benlemlih, M., Jaballah, J., Schochet, S., Peillex, J., 2022. Corporate social responsibility and corporate tax avoidance: the channel effect of consumer awareness. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting (HCERES A, FNEGE 2)

Bitar, M., El Ouadghiri, I., Peillex, J., 2022. A cross-institutional exploratory investigation of COVID-19 spread: formal vs. informal institutions. Applied Economics, pp. 1-18. (HCERES A, FNEGE 3)

Boustani, N.M., Cardoso, A.P., Guiné, R.P., 2022. Understanding the role of media and food labels to disseminate food related information in Lebanon, Open Agriculture, 7(1), pp.147-160.DOI: 

Boustani, N.M., Magnaghi, E., 2022. Smart Insurance Contracts Shielding Pandemic Business Disruption in Developing Countries and Blockchain Solution, FinTech, 1(4), pp.294-309.DOI:

Boustani, N.M., Sayegh, M.M. Boustany, Z., 2022. Attitude towards Online Shopping during Pandemics: Do Gender, Social Factors and Platform Quality Matter?, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(10), pp.474.DOI: 

Boustani, N.M., Sayegh, M.M., Boustany, Z., 2022. Strengthening Public Institutions and Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups in A Developing Country-Innovation in Organizations and Artificial Intelligence Implications, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 14(3), pp.4.DOI: 

Boustani, N.M., Xu, Q. and Xu, Y., 2022. Getting Smarter: Blockchain and IOT Mixture in China Smart Public Services, Smart Cities, 5(4), pp.1811-1828.DOI: 

Casadella, V., Tahi, S., 2022. National Innovation Systems in Low‑Income and Middle‑Income Countries: Re‑evaluation of Indicators and Lessons for a Learning Economy in Senegal, Journal of the Knowledge Economy. (HCERES B)

Dulevski, S., 2022. (R)Evolution of the Concept “Fixed Establishment” in the Bulgarian Tax Law?, De Jure, 13(2),  pp. 285-292, DOI: 

Dunes, M., Viedma, R.M., 2022. Quels outils de gestion pour faciliter l’acquisition de la marque employé? Gestion 2000,39(1), pp.103-124. (HCERES C, FNEGE 3)

El Ouadghiri, I., Erragragui, E., Jaballah, J., Peillex, J., 2022. Institutional investor attention and stock market volatility and liquidity: international evidence. Applied Economics pp. 1-16. (HCERES A, FNEGE 3)

El Ouadghiri, I., Gomes, M., Peillex, J., Pijourlet, G., 2022. Investor Attention to Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement and Stock Returns. The Energy Journal, 43(6). (HCERES A)

Goldman, S., Zhang, S., 2022. Quantitative Easing, Household’s Savings and Growth: A Luxembourgish Case Study, Economic Research Guardian, Vol. 12 (1), pp. 45-54.

Guiné, R.P., Florença, S.G., Anjos, O., Boustani, N.M., Chuck-Hernández, C., Sarić, M.M., Ferreira, M., Costa, C.A., Bartkiene, E., Cardoso, A.P., Tarcea, M., 2022. Are Consumers Aware of Sustainability Aspects Related to Edible Insects? Results from a Study Involving 14 Countries, Sustainability, 14(21), p.14125.DOI:

Hachicha, N., Amar, A. B., Slimane, I. B., Bellalah, M., Prigent, J.L., 2022. Dynamic connectedness and optimal hedging strategy among commodities and financial indices. International Review of Financial Analysis 83, 102290. (FNEGE 3)

Hamza, E., Bouaynaya, W., 2022. Knowledge Transfer and Boundary Objects: An Ecological View of the Research Center, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations (IJKBO), 12(2), pp. 1-12.

Kchaou, O., Ben Sassi, S., Bellalah, M., 2022. The Dynamics of Contagion and Behavior of the Euro Area Sovereign Bond Markets. Bankers, Markets & Investors 170(3), pp. 14-46. (FNEGE 4)

Koleva, P., Marinova, T. 2022. Financer la transition énergétique en Europe centrale et orientale : un levier pour surmonter la dépendance à l’égard de la Russie?  Revue D’ Économie Financière, 2022/3 (N° 147), pp. 135-150. (HCERES C)

Labidi, C., Laribi, D., Ureche-Rangau, L., 2022. Price and volume effects around Islamic index revisions: the case of DJIM-GCC, Managerial Finance, 48(2), pp. 222 – 242. (HCERES C, FNEGE 4)

Laval, J., Ureche-Rangau, L., Vaslin, J.M., 2022. Le rôle joué par la garantie d’un emprunt souverain : l’exemple du Portugal et du Brésil de 1891 à 1925, Revue d’Economie Financière, no. 145, pp. 237-249. (HCERES C, FNEGE 4)

Munthiu, M.-C., 2022. De si responsables assureurs, c’est possible ? Entre véritable engagement RSE et greenwashing dans un contexte d’ubiquité technologique, Les bonnes feuilles de l’assurance, No.3, Novembre 2022, Editions ESKA, pp. 56-71.

Nenovsky, N., 2022. Theoretical foundations of the dependent monetary regimes, Izvestiya Journal of Varna University of Economics, 66 (3-4), pp. 113 – 133.

Nenovsky, N., Kolev, S., Penchev, P., Trautwein HM, 2022. Introduction, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 29(6), pp. 1003-1007.

Nenovsky, N., Magnin, E., 2022. Dependent monetary regimes in the Balkans.  Long-term historical perspectives (1878-1989), Economic Alternatives, 2022 (2), pp. 171-200.

Nenovsky, N., Magnin, E., 2022. Soft Monetary Constraint and Shortage in the European Sovereign Debt Economy Insights from J. Kornai’s theory, The Review of Austrian Economics,

Nenovsky, N., Marinova, T., 2022. Bulgaria during the Great Depression. In search of a new economic and social development model, Economic Thought Journal, 67(5), pp. 513-540. 

Nenovsky, N., Marinova, T., 2022. The first steps of the lender of last resort in Bulgaria. History and debate during the Great Depression, Economic Thought Journal, 67(1), pp. 28-53. 

Nenovsky, N., Torre, D., 2022. Debates, Plans and Interventions to Overcome the 1931 Banking Crisis in Romania and Bulgaria, Das Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte/Economic History Yearbook, 63(2), pp. 495-525.

Palloix, C., 2022. A propos des pratiques actuelles des firmes multinationales, Recherches internationales, 123, pp. 27-49.

Palloix, C., 2022. Covid 19 – La mondialisation et les firmes multinationales à l’épreuve de la crise sanitaire, Market & Organizations – Journal of Strategic Analysis, 43, pp. 33-41.

Samia, W., Boustani, N.M., 2022. Towards a Single Currency in Natural Syria Region-A Conceptual Monetary Innovation: A Reflection. Economic Research Guardian, 12(2), pp.129-134.

Samia, W., Nenovsky, N., 2022. Towards a National Economy Based on Production in the Natural Syria Region. Antoun Saadeh’s Theoretical Contributions, Economic Research Guardian, 12(1), pp. 30-44.

Benlemlih, M., Bitar, M., Erragragui, E., Peillex, J., (2021). New Evidence on the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and the Use of Equity Capital. Management International, 25(2).

Casadella, V., (2021a). Science, Technologie et Développement Économique : des enjeux impérieux et contrariés. Science, Technologie, Développement, ISTE OpenScience.

Casadella, V., Tahi, S., (2021b). Constat et analyse des politiques industrielles et scientifiques dans le contexte de l’intégration régionale du Sénégal. Revue Science, Technologie, Développement, ISTE OpenScience.

Casadella, V., Tahi, S., (2021c). Valorisation de la recherche dans les petites et moyennes universités au sein d’un système d’innovation : le cas de l’Université Picardie Jules Verne. Technologie et Innovation, (Vol.21-6).

Casadella V., Szostak B., Silem A. (2021d). Controverses théoriques face à la crise de la Covid 19.  Revue Marché et Organisations, (41).

Goldman, S., Zhang, S., (2021). The Role of Central Banks and the Main Challenges for the Euro-zone.  Economic Alternatives Journal, à paraître.

Labidi, C., Laribi, D., Ureche-Rangau, L., (2021). National Culture, Investor Behavior and Ethical Mutual Funds. Emerging Markets Review, Special Issue, “Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance and Corporate Policies in Emerging Markets”, 46.

Lakomski-Laguerre, O., Aglietta M., (2021). Les mutations de la monnaie : Crypto actifs, jetons numériques stables et monnaie numérique de banque centrale. L‘Economie Mondiale 2022, CEPII, Repères La découverte, à paraître.

Marinova, T., (2021), Economie sociale et solidaire dans les pays des Balkans. Quels enseignements? L’harmattan, à paraître.

Nenovsky, N., Aman, M., (2021a). Rente et longévité du Currency Board (Caisse d’émission) de Djibouti. Éléments pour une économie politique du régime monétaire. Monde en Développent, à paraitre.

Nenovsky, N., Magnin, E., (2021b). Calculating Without Money. Theories of In-Kind Accounting of Alexander Chayanov, Otto Neurath and the Early Soviet Experiences. European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 28(3), online.

Palloix, C., (2021). Gouverner l’entreprise après reprise en coopérative ouvrière – L’exemple de SCOPTI (ex-FRALIB). Economie & Institutions, à paraître.

Sami, H., Ureche-Rangau, L., (2021). Diversité du genre et conservatisme comptable. Management International, à paraître.

Tahi, S., Belghoul, K., Khlif, W., Casadella, V., (2021a). Analyse structurelle du réseau d’innovation biopharmaceutique en Ile-de-France. Gestion 2000, 1(1), pp. 17-29.

Tahi, S., Dammak, F.A, Hachicha, N., Ghorbel, A., Chiheb Feki, M., (2021b). Hedging Dow Jones Islamic and conventional emerging market indices with CDS, oil, gold and the VSTOXX: A comparison between DCC, ADCC and GO-GARCH models. Borsa Istanbul Review, à paraître.

Bouaynaya, W., (2020a). Cloud computing in SMEs: towards delegation of the CIO role. Information and Computer Security, (Vol. 28), n° 2, pp. 199-213. 

Bouaynaya, W., (2020b). Governance of IS Security in a Cloud Computing Ecosystem: A Longitudinal Approach. ICT for an Inclusive World. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, (Vol. 35), pp. 527-536.

Brière, M., Pouget, S., Ureche-Rangau, L., (2020). Les votes des investisseurs institutionnels sur les externalités produites par les entreprises : Le cas de deux investisseurs emblématiques. Revue d’Économie Financière, (138), « Finance Climatique », pp. 119-139.

Brière, M., Pouget, S., Ureche-Rangau, L., (2020). Blackrock vs Norway Fund at Shareholder Meetings: Institutional Investors’ Votes on Corporate Externalities. In BIS/World Bank/Bank of Canada/Banca d’Italia (eds.) “Evolving Practices in Public Investment Management, Seventh Public Investors Conference Proceedings”, Bank for International Settlements, pp. 81-110

Burietz, A., Ureche-Rangau, L., (2020). Better the Devil you Know: Home and Sectoral Biases in Bank Lending. International Economics, (164), pp. 69-85.

Casadella, V., (2020a). L’internalisation des connaissances au Sénégal : l’exemple de la filière de l’Arachide au Sénégal à travers l’huilier SONACOS. Technologie et Innovation (Vol 20).

Casadella, V., Uzunidis, D., (2020b). Propédeutique à la théorie des systèmes nationaux d’innovation appliquée au développement économique. Technologie et Innovation (Vol 20-5).

Casadella V., Temple L. (2020c). Politiques et modèles d’innovation en Afrique. Technologie et Innovation. ISTE Editions. 

Casadella V., Temple L., (2020d). Les politiques d’innovation : un levier potentiel de développement des économies du Sud. In BOUACIDA R.Y, HAUDEVILLE B., Innovation au Sud, Enjeux pour le développement et exemples sectoriels. Presses Laboratoire Ecofima, pp.73-99.

Kchaou, O., Bellalah, M., (2020a). The Contagion of the Greek Debt Crisis on the EMU Sovereign Bond Markets: a Garch-DCC Approach. International Journal Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2020 (Vol 39), pp. 100-120.

Kchaou, O., Bellalah, M., Tahi, S., (2020b). Transmission of the Greek Crisis on the Sovereign EDebt Markets in the euro. Annals of Operations Research, à paraître.

Lakomski-Laguerre, O., Desmedt, L., (2020). Du monnayage au crypto-monnayage. Dialogues d’histoire ancienne (S 20), pp.143-156.

Marinova, T., (2020). Bulgaria and the Great War (1912-1919): some issues under discussion among the Bulgarian economists of that time. Revue d’histoire de la pensée économique, n° 10, (2), pp. 287-315.

Nenovsky, N., Magnin, E. (2020a). Dependent Monetary Regimes in the Balkans: Enlarging the “Varieties of Capitalism” Hypothesis. International Journal of Public Administration, online.

Nenovsky, N., Sahling, C., (2020b). Political economy of the Greek crisis as a multilevel game. Reflexions on Yanis Varoufakis’ book, Adults in the Room. My Battle with Europe’s Deep Establishment. Revue de la Régulation, 27 (1), online.

Nenovsky, N., (2020c). Discussion on paper currency among Russian economists during the Great War (1914-1917) with special emphasis on Tugan – Baranovsky’s contributions. Revue d’histoire de la pensée économique, 2(10), pp. 103-140.

Nenovsky, N., Ndao, S., (2020d). External Dependence of the African Franc CFA zone. Empirical Investigations on Money Supply Process. Economic Alternatives, (3), pp. 357-367.

Nenovsky, N., Vaslin, J.-M., (2020e). Shadowing the Latin Monetary Union: Monetary Regimes and Interest Rates in the Balkan Periphery (1867-1912). The Journal of European economic history, 23(2), pp. 71-114.

Nenovsky, N., Chobanov, P., Sahling, C., (2020f). Diversity of Monetary Regimes and Reactions to the Pandemic Crisis: Bulgaria, Romania, and Serbia Compared. In P. Kostis, Ed., Bridging Microeconomics and Macroeconomics and the Effects on Economic Development and Growth, Hershey, pp. 276-296.

Nenovsky, N., Sahling, C. (2020g). Measuring Changes in Russian Monetary Policy: An index-based Approach. Operations Research Proceedings 2019, Springer International Publishing, pp. 299-305.

Nenovsky, N., Sahling, C., (2020h). Interpreting the Evolution of the Monetary Regime in Russia: The Political Economy of Rent Seeking and Central Banking. In M. Yağcı, Ed., The Political Economy of Central Banking in Emerging Economies, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 185-208

Samia W., (2020). Antun SAADEH’s Social-Nationalist Doctrine. Presenting and Reconstructing an Original Economic and Social Theory. Economic Alternatives, 27(1), pp. 492-504.


Bellalah, M., Dammak, F.A., (2019a). International Capital Asset Pricing Model: The case of Asymmetric Information and Short-Sale. Annals of Operations Research, pp. 1-13. 

Bellalah M., Aktan, B., Peker, S., (2019b). What Ward’s Clustering Method tells About the four Largest Emerging Equity Markets? International Journal Entrepreneurship and Small Business, (Vol. 39)(1/2), pp. 64-70.

Bouaynaya, W., (2019). Characterization of Cloud Computing Reversibility as Explored by the DELPHI Method. Information Systems Frontiers, (Vol. 22), pp. 1505-1518.

Casadella, V., Younes Bouacida, R., (2019a). The primacy of innovation capacities in the NIS of the Maghreb countries: an analysis in terms of learning capacity in Marocco, Tunisia, Algeria. African Journal of Science, technology, innovation and development

Casadella, V., Tahi S., (2019b). L’utilisation du concept S.N.I dans les P.E.D : quelle pertinence conceptuelle pour quels indicateurs ? Revue d’Économie industrielle, 2019/3/167, pp. 9-37.

Casadella V., Liu (2019c). Chinese FDI and barriers to technology transfer in Sub-Saharan Africa, Innovation capacity creation and knowledge absorption in Senegal. In N. FAGHIH (Ed.), Globalization and Development: Economic and socio-cultural perspectives from emerging markets, Chap. 9.

Marinova, T., (2019). La pensée coopérative bulgare au XXe siècle au confluent des théories d’Europe occidentale et orientale. Revue internationale de l’économie sociale, 2019 (352), pp. 82-96.

Nenovsky, N., (2019a). Money as a coordinating device of a commodity economy: Old and new, Russian and French readings of Marx, Part 1 Monetary theory of value. Revue de la Régulation, 26 (2), online.

Nenovsky, N., (2019b). Money as a coordinating device of a commodity economy: Old and new, Russian and French readings of Marx, Part 2 The theory of money without the theory of value, Revue de la Régulation, 26 (2), online

Nenovsky, N., Atanasov, H., (2019c). Money and Prices in the 18th – 19th Centuries. Bulgarian Historiography on the Monetary History of the Balkan Provinces of the Ottoman Empire. Bulgarian Historical Review, (1-2), pp. 80-111.

Nenovsky, N., Bystryakov, A., Ponomarenko, E., (2019d). Monetary Innovations and Digital Economy. Economic Studies, 28(6), pp. 3-18.

Nenovsky, N., Maltsev, A., (2019e). On the first October conference on theoretical economics. Journal of the New Economic Association (Russia), 4(44), pp. 261-264.

Nenovsky, N., Marinova, T., (2019f). Cooperative Agricultural Farms in Bulgaria during Communism (1944-1989): An Institutional Reconstruction. Romanian Economic Journal, 22(74), pp. 40-72.

Nenovsky, N., Marinova, T., Gnjatovic, D., (2019g). Agricultural Cooperative Credit in Bulgaria and Serbia from the Ottoman Period to WWI: Institutional and Comparative History. The Journal of European Economic History, 48(3), pp. 45-73.

Peillex, J., Erragragui, E., Bitar, M., et Benlemlih, M., (2019). The contribution of market movements, asset allocation and active management to Islamic equity funds’ performance. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 74, pp. 32-38.

Bouaynaya, W., Lyu, H., Zhang, Z. J., (2018). Exploring Risks Transferred from Cloud-Based Information Systems: A Quantitative and Longitudinal Model. Sensors, Special Issue: Privacy and Security for Resource Constrained IoT Devices and Networks, (Vol. 18), n°10. 

Casadella, V., Uzunidis, D., (2018a). Les capacités d’innovation comme préalable à la formation d’un système national d’innovation. Technologie et Innovation, 7(2), mars.

Casadella, V., Uzunidis, D., (2018b). On the Relevance of Innovation Capacities in the Institutionalist Approach Applied to Developing Countries: Bases of Analysis. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, pp. 1-17. Disponible sur :

Casadella V. (2018f). Education et fertilisation des économies africaines. Revue marché et organisations, Cairn, CNRS, (2).

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